
Rain drops‏

nice Rain drops^^
one of my friends send this pic to me~ NIcE PhoTOGraPhY^^v


Creative Pepsi Ads‏

Pepsi-Cola company always produces creative advertisements for their products.
It's really creative^^V
Diet Pepsi

Pepsi Pool Advertisement

Pepsi Straw Advertisement

Pepsi Straws Advertisement

Pepsi Christmas Advertisement

Pepsi Hook Advertisement

Pepsi Lemon Twist Advertisement

Pepsi Truck Advertisement

Pepsi Mini Advertisement

Pepsi MAX Advertisement

Pepsi Surf Advertisement

Pepsi Mini Can Advertisement

si Max 'Zzz' Advertisement

Pepsi Climbing Advertisement

Pepsi Cat Advertisement

Pepsi Straw Advertisement


MerRy ChrisTmas To all My fRiends^^V

☆  ╱╲ ╱╲ ☆  ☆  ☆ 
 ╱╳+▲╱  ╲ ╱╲ ☆  ☆     
╱╱ ◢◣+   ╳  ╲  ☆   
╱ +◢█◣  /    ╲☆   ☆  
☆ ◢██◣聖誕節  ˙˙˙ 
___▂▂█▂▂__預祝 聖誕節幸福快樂﹋ Merry X' as


The Picture all took 4 my Photography assignment^^*

the picture is took from Damai Beach~ We spent two day one night to take the foto.... The place is nice^^ I like the beach.... It's looks clean and really clean... haha^^

Hope u all enjoyed it^^V C yA.....